Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Make Up Tutorial: Cut That Silver+ Blog Award

Today's make-up was absolutely inspired by MakeupGeekTV one of my favourite make-up guru. I saw her last tutorial on you tube it is something about how to make brown eyes pop. And I really liked the combination of colors, which was used. So I decided to do exactly the same color scheme but with a cut the crease technique. I have not done this cutting crease make-up looks for already long enough. 

To start the make-up I primed my eye lid with Shiseido concealer just to get even surface. Next with The Face Shop Crayon Eyeliner in Purple I cut my crease on outer V corner as always I do. Using a stiff small brush.

With the same brush which I used for blend out my Purple pencil I applied VoV Color Song eye shadow in Aqua Violet #7345 all over the base. It is single eye shadow but I put all of them in one clear CD case which is very useful to work with. 

For my main lid base I used VoV Color Song Eye Color in Sugar White #1 cream color pencil. I applied a little bit of that carefully and blended it out with my ring finger. Make sure you didn't smudged the crease area. If you are, just go ahead and put more Aqua Violet color on your crease where you need it.

After that I took regular shader brush and applied gray color by Prorance Sunny Glam Eyeshadow palette SV403 in Crystal Silver all over Sugar White cream color base. And again, don't touch the crease area. Take your time to do this step.

With my Cathy Cat blending brush I applied just a matte Violet color all around the crease area and blended all the colors together without any harsh lines. If you lost some of Aqua Violet eye shadow feel free to add more.

For my brow bone highlight color I applied another matte pink-ish VoV eye shadow and blended it downwards to soften the look. I used all the eye shadow from this palette in that pan and just put in there remnants of VoV shadow for more convenient using.  

I lined my waterline with the same The Face Shop Purple eyeliner and applied the same matte Violet color all over my lower lash line. Lined upper lid with The Face Shop black liquid eyeliner, curled my lashes, applied black Enprani mascara and finally added some fasle lashes by VoV #1.

For lips I used just a natural colored lip gloss. I noticed that I really do like all natural/neutral lip stuff!

Also I've got an award and decided to post it immediately, because I am always forget about things like this.

This Beautiful Blog Award gave me Bea. ThanQ a lot!

Award Rules:

1. Thank & link the person that gave you the award.

2. Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic.

3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won.

4. State 7 things about yourself.

 1. Sometimes I can not control myself. Especially when I am very angry I can say a lot of terrible things and then regret it.

2. I am totally organized in all things. But I can never clean up my wardrobe. There is always a big mass. But the closet of my son and my hubby is such clean! Hahaha~ It's totally me :P

3. My ex- ( and only ) boy friend was find me on-line and it is so weird. He trying to be nice to me but I hate him a lot. Now I'm try visiting that site very rarely. But there is a lot of my other friends :S 

4. I am gonna visit my mom's place this year in December and I really can't wait to see my old place :D I will be there for 6 months.

5. I have insomnia and even during the pregnancy. During my first pregnancy I slept for 15 hours a day and it was not enough at all for me but now around 6 hours it's to much.

6. During my childhood I had a little toy, it was absolutely not enough for me and now, for my son I buy tons of toys. We have not enough space in our home to fold all of them. But I am not stopping!

7. I am very afraid of gynecology and dentistry. hahaha~

Thats it for today :)

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