Saturday, March 20, 2010

Circle Lens Review - Beaucon Jewel Pink

This is my review of the Beaucon Jewel circle lens in Pink. Yup, those are supposed to be pink lenses. Does it look pink to you? -___-
I bought these lenses because I saw similar lenses in brown on Popteen models. Their eyes look very nice and innocent with them, and when I know that the lenses come in pink, I decided to get them for the novelty factor. Here is the official ad pic of the lenses (they look pink-ish here):

Here are the bottles, notice that they say 14.0mm.
The lenses look sort of pink in the bottle too:

I tried them on and immediately noticed that they aren't really pink on my eyes. They are more of a peach-ish light brown, which in itself is an interesting color but, well, not pink.

Natural light next to window:
Direct sunlight (looks almost grey?):
Bathroom light:
Flash (looks pink here finally):
I think the design of the lenses are quite nice, it is less "complex" than my other lenses. I wish the fading part goes further in though, here they just kind of stops with a definite edge that looks a bit awkward close up.

The lenses also doesn't enlarge much at all, but that's expected since they are 14.0mm.

Natural light
Bathroom light
Even with the thick outer ring, these lenses doesn't seem to enlarge much. However, they give excellent definition to my eyes and really make them pop in a slightly freaky-looking way. :p

Speaking of thick outer rings, here are the Beaucon Jewels pink compared with the Dreamy.i green. I think they look good together, what about you?

Natural light
Direct sunlight
Bathroom light

Apart from the jaggedness in the Dreamy.i, these lenses actually look quite similar. If Dreamy.i (or even better, EOS Max Pure) comes out with a more saturated pink lens, it would be a must-get for me. :D

Here are comparison shots with EOS Adult Violet. I decided to compare the Beaucon Jewel with these because the Adult Violets have been called pink-ish by some people. I should do a proper review of the Adult Violets later.

Natural Light
Direct sun
Bathroom light
It is quite obvious how little the Beaucon Jewels enlarge in these pics. I think the Adult Violets are bigger even without the outer ring.

Here are the lenses in their case. The Beaucon Jewels are more peach-colored, and obviously smaller than the other lenses.
Design: 7/10 - They just don't look pink to me, man. Also, I have heard of these lenses described as "dead fish's eyes" and I can totally understand that
Enlargement: 5/10 - Not enlarging much, but good definition.
Comfort: 8/10 - Just the usual thickness
TOTAL: 7/10 - Get these if you like the simple design, but if you are looking for pink lenses, the Barbie Eye Super Nudy pink might be a better choice.

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