Friday, February 19, 2010

Yes, Blogging IS the new Media... and I am grateful for that!

I really don't want to get myself in the middle of all the blogging drama going on but something about what was said really bothered me. I feel so grateful that I have gotten a change to know (and be apart) of the world of blogging and youtubing. I can honestly say I rarely buy magazines anymore to look up make up trends and find products. Why? What's the point when I can stay at home and look at 100's of my favorite beauty blogs written by girls just like me... REAL WOMAN with real thoughts and a REAL point of view. I don't just want to hear only good things about a product... I want to hear the ugly, too. I don't just want to see a professional picture of a product... I want to see it on the person, and the real color. I'm a real woman and not a make up artist so I love hearing from woman who are just like me and their thoughts and feelings about something. I'm more likely to want to try something that the average woman raves about over a professional that is paid to write about it. I think you get the real nitty gritty that way. I respect the professionals who write professionally on beauty and I envy their job. I'm not for ONE second knocking them. I'm just saying that woman who blog should be respected as well... just because they don't do this for a living doesn't mean they don't have knowledge and expertise on what they are talking about. You learn things by trying things, researching, and using... and I think all these woman are experts in their own right.

So, I say THANK YOU to all the beauty bloggers out there... you have saved me so much money (and spent so much, too) and opened my eyes up to some many products I've never even heard about before. Thank you for all your hard work... taking pictures, editing, uploading, writing, filming videos, commenting. You all are great and help so many woman out there. Blogging is the new media, seriously. Like I said... I'd read you're girls blogs any day over a $5 magazine in the store... and I will learn so much more from you and for that I am greateful!!

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